People always tell us to embrace our scars as it is a symbol of how we survived the difficult challenges we faced in our lives. Not all of us see it that way. For some, they see scars as a painful reminder of the physical- and maybe emotional- trauma they went through. Also, it may be an imperfection that makes them insecure, and makes them want to hide from others.
Luckily, there are various available treatments out there to treat, or at the very least, hide your scars. Different types of scars require their own treatment. One of the most popular treatments in Singapore is scar camouflage. However, this procedure may not fit everyone’s case.
To know the right treatment for your condition, you need first to understand what type of scar you have. Here are the definitions of the different types of scars. If you are looking into undergoing scar camouflage in Singapore, this can also serve as a guide on everything you need to know and expect from the said procedure.
Types of Scars
Scar formation is a natural part of the healing process. As the wounds heal, your body forms collagen, which is the naturally occurring protein in the body to repair the skin, and eventually results in a scar. The different types of scar depend on how the wound heals.
Most scars appear flat pale. However, in instances where there is an overproduction of collagen, the scar tends to raise from the skin. On the other hand, scars may also look sunken or pitted because of the loss of fat or muscle underneath the skin. Scars also form when the skin is stretched rapidly, like during pregnancy.
Overall, your scar’s appearance depends on the depth and size of the wound and its location. Other aspects like age, sex, and ethnicity may also factor in the formation of scars.
Different types of scars include:
- Keloid Scars
- Keloid scars form due to the overproduction of collagen, where the scar keeps thickening even after the wound has fully healed. This type of scar also tends to extend beyond the boundary of the original injury. It is characterized by its red or purple colour when newly formed, though it becomes paler over time. Keloid scars are raised from the skin. It is often itchy or painful and constricts your movement.
- Hypertrophic Scars
- Similar to keloid scars, hypertrophic scars form because of the overproduction of collagen during the healing process. However, unlike keloid scars, it does not grow further beyond the location of the wound. It would initially be red and raised, but it subsides, becoming flat and pale after a while. This type of scar continues to thicken for up to six months.
- Normal Fine-line Scars
- This type of scar usually forms from wounds after surgery. It is not painful, though it may cause itching and irritation for a few months after your operation. If you have a darker skin tone, the scar is more noticeable as it leaves a brown or white mark once the wound is fully healed. If your skin is paler, it would not be as evident. However, be cautious as this type of scar becomes more prominent when your skin becomes tan. Scar tissues do not get tan.
- Contracture Scars
- Contracture scars are caused by burns, where it tightens the skin and makes it hard to move. A burn injury can also go deeper than the skin and affect your muscles and nerves.
- Pitted or Sunken Scars
- This last type of scar is usually a result of skin conditions like acne or chickenpox. Like mentioned earlier, pitted or sunken scars form because of a loss of underlying fat or muscle on the skin.
How to Treat Different Types of Scars
Now that we have discussed the different types of scars, let us know more about the possible options of treating them.
Prescription creams, ointments, or gels are available to treat small cuts, burns, and other minor injuries. Silicone sheets or pressure dressings are also recommended to prevent scars from forming when the wound is healing. Make sure to consult your doctor for a prescription.
For deeper scars like burns, injections and surgery can be done as treatment, depending on the severity of them. It is best to wait at least a year before undergoing these more invasive procedures, to prevent the scars from getting worse.
Complete scar removal is impossible. Most treatments available out there only let scars to fade and become paler, making them less noticeable. Even scar camouflage in Singapore cannot remove the scar altogether.
Scar camouflage in Singapore uses pigments to hide the scar by blending it to the colour of the surrounding skin. A professional PMU artist mixes pigments to match your skin tone. It is then introduced to the upper dermal layer of the skin, using a sterilized needle.
The whole process usually takes two or more sessions, each lasting for around an hour. The number of sessions you need will depend on your desired results. Results of the procedure also depend on the condition and severity of the colour of your scar.

Good Candidates for Scar Camouflage in Singapore
Scar camouflage in Singapore is a recommended treatment for the following types of scars:
- Burn Scars
- Acne Scars
- Plastic Surgery Scars
- General Surgery Scars
- Injury Scars
- Scars from Cleft Palate Repair
- Stretch Marks
This procedure can also be done to treat other types of skin conditions, such as:
- Hypopigmentations (patches of skin that are lighter than the surrounding skin)
- Congenital Anomalies
- Vitiligo
- Port Wine Birthmarks (under recommendation and doctor’s order)
On the other hand, do not opt for scar camouflage if you’re experiencing the following conditions:
- If the scar is still pink or changing colour (scar should be at least one year old).
- If the area is bumpy or raised.
- If the scar has dark edges.
- The dark corners indicate Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIHP) and scar camouflage may worsen the condition.
- If the person has keloids.
- It is not advisable for spider veins; freckles; age spots; under-eye circles; hyperpigmentation.
Factors Affecting Results of Scar Camouflage in Singapore
Scar camouflage in Singapore takes time before yielding final results. While you are undergoing aftercare, take note of the following factors that affect the outcome of your procedure.
- Skin tone
- Healing ability
- Illness and Medication
- Skin Characteristics (dryness, oiliness, sun damage, thickness, colour)
- pH Balance of the Skin (acidity)
- Alcohol and Cigarettes
Like mentioned earlier, scar camouflage in Singapore has grown in popularity. So, it is not hard to find a studio that works with state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained artists. Another thing to be keen on is the pigments to be used for your procedure. One popular pigment brand in Singapore is Swiss Color.
Swiss Color is a global company that offers an array of pigments. The company invested in years of research and development to come up with their pigments that are safe and free of heavy metals. Swiss Color introduces a wide array of pigments, in different shades, for various permanent makeup procedures to achieve your desired, natural result. Swiss Color is available in 54 countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.
Swiss Color also trains semi-permanent makeup artists to master the principles of semi-permanent makeup and micropigmentation. Look for certified Swiss Color Artists in Singapore to get the best results for you.
To learn more about Swiss Color, you can visit our website.