Scar Camoflauge in Singapore - Swiss Color Singapore
Scar Covering Scar Camouflage Swiss Color Singapore

“Our scar makes us beautiful.” To some extent, this saying is true. Our scars are a physical sign of the hardships we have overcome in our lives. However, to some, it is a painful reminder of their traumatic experience. It makes them feel self-conscious, limiting them to interact with other people. For people who have a hard time embracing their scars, there are many available options to treat them. One method that is gaining popularity in Singapore is scar camouflage.

How is Scar Camouflage Done?

Scar camouflage in Singapore is also referred to as “skin micropigmentation.” Much like other micropigmentation procedures, scar camouflage uses pigments to make the scar colour blend into the surrounding skin.

In this procedure, pigments are mixed based on the patient’s skin tone. It is then introduced to the upper dermal layer of the skin, using a single-use fine needle that may either be manual or electrically driven.

The result of scar camouflage will depend on the condition and severity of the discolouration. It will also determine the number of sessions and how long it will take to achieve your desired results. Usually, the whole process takes two or more sessions, each lasting around an hour. After the procedure, the blemishes will be concealed to the colour of your natural skin tone. However, do note that while scar camouflage can hide your scars, it does not remove it.

Who are Good Candidates for Scar Camouflage?

In Singapore, scar camouflage has grown in popularity as a method to treat scars. It is cheaper compared to other cosmetic and surgical procedures while still giving natural results. Scar camouflage is also an excellent option for people who may have allergic reactions to cosmetic products.

However, this procedure is not applicable to all types of blemishes. As mentioned earlier, the effectiveness of skin micropigmentation depends on the condition of your skin. It is best suited for the following types of scars:

  • Burn Scars
  • Acne Scars
  • Plastic Surgery Scars
  • General Surgery Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Scars from Cleft Palate Repair
  • Injury Scars

Aside from scars, this procedure may also treat other congenital anomalies and skin conditions, such as Vitiligo. Alongside multiple sessions of laser, it may also conceal port wine birthmarks; make sure to have your doctor’s recommendation before going through with it. Furthermore, hyperpigmentations, or patches of skin lighter than the surrounding skin, may also be treated through this method.

Even if your condition is mentioned above, there are still a few conditions before you are allowed to undergo the scar camouflage treatment. First, your scar must be at least a year old. If it is still pink or changing colour, this may be an indication that it is still fresh. Also, your scar should not have dark edges. The dark colour is an indication of Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation (PIHP) from physical trauma or surgery. In this case, scar camouflage may cause more harm to the area.

Also, the scar should be smooth or flat enough. The treatment is not effective if it is raised or lumpy, which is the reason why this is not a suitable method to treat keloids. Finally, this procedure is not advisable for spider veins; freckles; age spots; under-eye circles; hyper-pigmentation.

How to Prepare for Scar Camouflage?

If you are considering undergoing scar camouflage in Singapore, there are a few preparations you need to do. It is not a major medical surgery, but still, you need to prepare your skin to achieve the best results from your procedure.

First, exfoliate your skin to remove any dead or dry skin on your face or body. Using a scrub and exfoliating is enough to prep your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may opt to use a cotton washcloth instead. Also, moisturize your skin, though avoid using makeup as they make the surface oily and greasy. Moisturizing and exfoliating are two essential steps so that the pigment will adhere to your skin, resulting in a longer-lasting, even finish.

Furthermore, you need to be wary about the possible risk of scar camouflage. It is an invasive procedure, meaning that the needle penetrates the pigment into the skin surface. Risks may include infections, allergic reactions, inflammation, keloid formation. The pigment may also cause MRI complications, so if you need to undergo MRI in the future, make sure to open this up to your micropigmentation artist.

What are some tips for Scar Camouflage Aftercare?

For natural-looking results, a good aftercare routine is needed. Initially, the pigmented area will be darker than expected, and the skin will look red. However, this will subside, and the colour will settle in around 1-4 days. Again, you may need to come back for a couple more sessions to achieve the results you want.

After the procedure, you may want to avoid the following activities and products, especially on the pigmented area, not to affect the work by your micropigmentation artist:

  • Astringent soaps or cleansers 
  • Heavy moisturizers, creams, and makeup in the area
  • Picking or scratching scabs (it will peel off naturally over time)
  • Long baths or hot showers (including pools, saunas, jacuzzis)
  • Direct sunlight and going to tanning beds or spas
  • Exercising or activities that cause heavy sweating 
  • Products containing aloe

A healing balm will be given to you. Apply that on the are three times a day, and make sure that your hands are clean when doing so. When you are taking a shower, apply petroleum jelly on the pigmented area. If you can, avoid long showers for at least 14 days after the procedure.

Scar Camouflage in Singapore

Like mentioned earlier, scar camouflage in Singapore has grown in popularity. So, it is not hard to find a studio that works with state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained artists. Another thing to be keen on is the pigments to be used for your procedure. One popular pigment brand in Singapore is Swiss Color.

Swiss Color is a global company that offers an array of pigments. The company invested in years of research and development to come up with their pigments that are safe and free of heavy metals. Swiss Color introduces a wide array of pigments, in different shades, for various permanent makeup procedures to achieve your desired, natural result. Swiss Color is available in 54 countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Swiss Color also trains semi-permanent makeup artists to master the principles of semi-permanent makeup and micropigmentation. Look for certified Swiss Color Artists in Singapore to get the best results for you.

To learn more about Swiss Color, you can visit our website.