Medical Micropigmentation for Vitiligo in Singapore | Swiss Color
Micro pigmentation Vitiligo Singapore


Micropigmentation for Vitiligo

Vitiligo – a rare appearance diagnosed in only 1-2% of the population- is a condition recognized through pale white patches in the skin, caused by the lack of melanin or pigment of the skin.

While not life-threatening or contagious, for people who have vitiligo, the condition affects them mentally and emotionally, which also affects how they go on with their social and professional lives. The social implications of having Vitiligo mainly affects those with darker skin tones, as the white patches become more apparent.

The condition is less noticeable in people with fairer skin tones. However, when the unaffected part skin gets tan, the discoloration becomes more apparent because the area with Vitiligo will not change in color.

So, what are the possible treatment for Vitiligo in Singapore? Some standard solutions include using camouflage creams and undergoing phototherapy. Another way of treating the condition is through Micropigmentation.


If you are someone who has Vitiligo, the word mircropigmentation may ring a bell. Micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure, introducing pigments into the skin. It is done for cases other than Vitiligo like hair simulation, scar concealment, permanent eyebrows, and recoloring the lips.

There is no known cure for Vitiligo. Also, micropigmentation is not major medical surgery. Regardless, micropigmentation prevents the condition from spreading and restores the color in the white patches on the skin.

Before the procedure starts, the cosmetic artist mixes pigments until it reaches a color that matches your skin tone. It is then introduced to the skin using an instrument, either manually or electrically driven. For patients that have Vitiligo, the procedure also helps in breaking down the texture of the areas affected by softening and flattening it. Then, the pale white patches will start to match the color of the surrounding skin. It is most effective in small patched areas, such as the lips and fingertips.

In Singapore, micropigmentation for Vitiligo takes a couple of sessions to achieve the desired results. Though immediate results are noticeable a couple of days after the first session, it usually takes two to three sessions- depending on the condition of the skin- to notice the outcome. For those with Vitiligo, there are also immediate results, but it takes longer to see the full effect of the procedure, around three weeks. The recolored skin needs touch-ups to maintain the color, commonly at least once a year.


By now, you might be considering undergoing micropigmentation in Singapore to treat Vitiligo. Though like any other procedure, you need to make some preparations.

First, find a highly skilled and experienced artist for the procedure. Despite it not being a medical surgery, several training programs and a licensure exam are needed to be a certified cosmetic artist-research for centers with qualified cosmetic artists that use sterile equipment.

Second, once you find the right center, book a consultation. It is vital to have a meeting with the artist before the procedure. Here, you will be asked about your medical history; be honest to avoid any possible complications. Then, the artist examines the texture, tone, and complexion of your skin to match pigments. That is also when the artist decides if you need anesthesia during the procedure or not.

Finally, patients with Vitiligo should consult a skin specialist before the treatment to know the condition of their skin. Make sure to prep your skin for the process. Avoid exposing the affected area to the sun and use sunscreen.


Micropigmentation for Vitiligo in Singapore does not achieve good results with the sessions alone. The aftercare maintenance is essential to make sure to have your desired outcome.

After the procedure, you may experience pain, swelling, and bruising in the recolored area. Do not worry because that is normal. To ease the pain, you can apply a cold compress or take prescribed painkillers.

People with Vitiligo have more sensitive skin, making them more prone to sunburns. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight on the affected area. Apply prescribed ointments or sunscreen before leaving the house. Also, avoid products that contain aloe vera, Retin A., and glycolic acid as these can cause the color of the pigments to fade. Again, micropigmentation is not permanent, and it requires touch-ups- at least once a year- to maintain its look.


For people in Singapore who want micropigmentation for Vitiligo, the process will not be complicated. Many cosmetic studios offer the procedure. These studios work with state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled cosmetic artists, ensuring quality service for their clients.

Another crucial thing to look for is the right pigments. Typically, pigments include iron oxide, titanium dioxide, mercuric sulfate, and cadmium sulfate. If you have Vitiligo, you need to be keen on this information as it can have negative effects on your sensitive skin.

However, there are brands like Swiss Color that provides pigments that are safe and free of heavy metals. Swiss Color is a global company that invested in years of research and development to come up with its array of pigments. Also, their pigments come in various shades, making it easier for you to find one to match your skin tone. It is a trusted brand for different micropigmentation procedures, such as treating Vitiligo. Swiss Color is available in 54 countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

To know more about Swiss Color, visit our website.