OS 558 India - Swiss Color Singapore

OS 558 India

It has red and yellow undertones. The color is used in the medical pigmentation but can also be used as a mix color to correct bluish permanent make up drawings. Also suitable for microblading



The heart of any permanent make up treatment are the pigments.

The world’s first Swiss Color ® OS pigments for permanent make up are free of iron oxides, color-stable, opaque and last longer in the skin!

We only use pigments which the quality of raw materials (according ResAP 2008 1 ) is guaranteed and run further tests by independent accredited laboratories. The optimal size of the pigment grains is 2 microns. Our OS pigments are size optimized. Thus we achieve a very high pigment density, color fastness and a maximum pigment accumulation in the skin.

The blending component of our pigments is thin with low surface tension, thus the color gets optimally absorbed with the hygiene module and worked into the skin. This technique allows a very fast and effective pigmenting with less damage to the skin.


Benefits at a glance:

  • no discoloration, pigments fade evenly
  • better durability in the skin
  • about 60-80% of the pigments remain visible after healing
  • less rework
  • less pain, due to delicate work

Additional information

